Horn introduces new carbide grades for feed milling

Horn has announced the introduction of two new carbide grades for inserts used in its DAH82 and DAH84 high-feed milling systems, enabling their use for machining a wider range of materials. The expansion gives customers the ability to choose grades best adapted to their applications. The new SC6A grade is suitable for machining materials in the ISO M group (stainless steels) as well as ISO S materials (superalloys) as a secondary application. The new IG6B grade has been developed for machining the ISO P group (steels).

The DAH82 variant is available as an end mill and as a screw-in milling cutter in the following diameters: 20 mm (z = 2), 25 mm (z = 3), 32 mm (z = 4), 35 mm (z = 4) and 40 mm (z = 5), where z denotes the number of inserts.

The DAH84 variants are available in the following diameters: 50 mm (z = 4), 52 mm (z = 4), 63 mm (z = 5), 66 mm (z = 5), 80 mm (z = 6), 85 mm (z = 6), 100 mm (z = 7) and 125 mm (z = 8).

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