HKM contract to Primetals Technologies

Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM) has awarded Primetals Technologies an order to supply two new ladle heating stations for the LD basic oxygen furnace plant at its Duisburg-Huckingen location. The heating stations are designed for a fully automated annual treatment capacity of 5.6 MMT of liquid steel, and so are ready for Industry 4.0. Copper-plated roofs are used to lengthen the service life and assure the quality of the melt. To enhance safety at work, LiquiRob systems handle tasks that formerly had to be performed manually, such as temperature measurement and sample taking. The new furnaces help to substantially reduce operating costs in the steel works. In addition, the phosphorous content of the melts can be reduced, and higher proportions of alloying elements processed. Commissioning is scheduled for the autumn of 2019.

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