Hempel wins Estaleiro BrasFELS supply order

Hempel has been selected by Estaleiro BrasFELS, a subsidiary of Keppel FELS Brasil, to supply coatings for two major Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel projects. Estaleiro BrasFELS LTDA has been engaged for the fabrication and integration of the topside modules for two FPSOs, P-66 and P-69. The vessels are owned by Tupi BV, a subsidiary of Brazilian oil & gas giant Petrobras.
When completed, each FPSO will have a production capacity of 150,000 barrels of oil per day and will operate in the oil fields of the coast of Brazil.
Hempel and Keppel have been working together to improve coating reliability and cost-effectiveness. Hempel will supply approximately 650,000 litres of coatings for the FPSO projects between May 2013 and April 2016. The coatings supplied include HEMPADUR 15553, a flexible two-component epoxy coating with good abrasion and impact resistance; HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880/1, a low-VOC two-component polyamide adduct-cured epoxy that forms a hard and tough coating; HEMPATHANE HS 55610, a VOC-compliant, two-component polyurethane topcoat for protection of structural steel in corrosive environments; and HEMPADUR 85671, a two-component, phenolic epoxy coating with high temperature, water and chemical resistance for interior tank and pipe linings.
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