Heat exchanger tubes cut to size at Raccortubi

Heat exchanger manufacturers usually order their tubes from mills in specific lengths. Delivery times tend to be long, which is not ideal when small quantities are needed for urgent repair jobs and maintenance. Raccortubi has conceived a solution to the problem, stocking seamless heat exchanger tubes with outside diameters of 25.4 and 19.05 mm, and minimum wall thicknesses, up to 12.2 m in length, in stainless steel (316/316L) and duplex (UNS S31803/S32205), in accordance with A 213 and A 789 standards. These tubes are then cut to the precise length required, using the new, state-of-the-art machine present at the Raccortubi warehouse. “This means that the client is neither forced to wait for the product to be manufactured from scratch, nor obliged to pay a premium for short delivery times, as is the case with redrawers,” says Luca Pentericci, Vice President of Raccortubi. “It is our response to market demand, providing the client with a personalised service, at a reduced cost.”

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