The Baltic Sea has become a political issue. After all, another natural gas pipeline is currently being laid through the body of water from Russia directly to Germany in the shape of Nord Stream 2. The U.S. and several East European countries are trying to prevent this.
The Germans are certain, however: Construction of the pipeline is a good decision. Even after sanction threats from Donald Trump against construction of the pipeline, 73% of all German citizens think it’s the right decision, as a survey carried out by the broadcasters RTL and N-TV showed. Only 16% of Germans think the second natural gas pipeline should be dispensed with. The question then, however, is whether energy needs in the coming years can be met in Germany alone through renewable energies. Only 29% believe that. Most German citizens (67%) conclude that it will be necessary to continue using conventional types of energy to ensure a secure energy supply. In this case, natural gas is the most cost-effective and cleanest solution. Only those who support the Green party deviate strongly from the general trend on this aspect, according to the survey: Half of the Green party voters believe that energy needs can be met in the future by renewable energies.