GenerationS corporate acceleration platform by RVC is looking for innovative projects in the area of pipe and tube production for ChelPipe Group.
The main objective of the accelerator is to find the most advanced solutions ready for the following implementation into Chelpipe’s facilities.
Startups for participation in the Accelerator will be selected in the following areas: new products, materials, and production technologies relevant to pipe and tube industry; innovative product substitutes for traditional steel pipes or pipe coatings; machine vision and production monitoring systems; and solutions relevant to White Metallurgy philosophy.
Experts from Chelpipe Group and GenerationS will select up to 30 teams that will present their solutions to the ChelPipe’s Group top management; 15 of them will be admitted to the acceleration program. The participation involves visiting the production facilities of ChelPipe Group and meetings with the dedicated units for onsite project development and assessment of prospects for further cooperation.
Upon the Accelerator results, the best teams will launch their pilot solutions on high-tech production facilities of ChelPipe Group.
The startups with the opportunity for long-term implementation will be announced in summer 2020.