Generational change at Damstahl

This year Damstahl’s frontline person for over 40 years, Group Managing Director and CEO, Mr Mikael Sthaalros, will gradually hand over the management to his successor. In the search for Damstahl’s new CEO, Mr Sthaalros, together with Damstahl’s owner family and board, focussed on securing the best further development for Damstahl and are pleased to announce that Mr Michael Lund has accepted this challenge.

“We wanted to find a customer, sales and market-oriented person with deep and broad experience from our industry. We found it important for my successor to hold the set of values needed to carry on the Damstahl culture and develop Damstahl to the benefit of both customers and employees, and that applies to Michael Lundâ€?, Mikael Sthaalros states.

Mr Lund is well-known to both employees and customers as he has worked with Damstahl twice before; in the early nineties as Sales Trainee and Internal Salesman, and from 2006 to 2011 as Sales and Marketing Director.  “I was born into Damstahl and stainless steel, and of course I’m very proud to have the opportunity to lead the absolute flagship of our industryâ€?, says Mr Lund.

Since 1 May Mr Lund’s responsibilities have included all commercial activities in the Northern countries and the Baltic states. Together with Mikael Sthaalros and other key management persons, Mr Lund will lead Damstahl safely through 2019. As per 1 January 2020, Mikael Sthaalros hands over the complete responsibility to Mr Lund, who will be Group Managing Director and CEO for Damstahl Nordic, i.e. with companies in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Photo source: Jern & Maskinindustrien, Dan S. Frandsen.

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