Gehry’s cancer centre opens

Frank Gehry, who designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, has unveiled his first building in the UK. The Maggie’s Centre at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee will help support cancer sufferers and their families. Its unusual design bears architect Frank Gehry’s signature features – none of its walls is straight and the concertinaed roof is made of stainless steel and timber. Sir Bob Geldof officially opened the centre by releasing balloons. Maggie’s Centres help people with cancer, their carers, families and friends to manage the physical and emotional impact of the disease. A cornerstone of their programme is to deliver support in thoughtfully designed environments. Mr Gehry was asked to design the building for the Dundee project. With the benefit of Maggie’s Centre, people can be better prepared to participate in making the difficult decisions that are very much a part of managing cancer and its aftermath.

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