The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) lauded the Senate’s confirmation of Mr Michael Froman as the US Trade Representative. Froman is a key trade advisor to the US President, Barack Obama. Thomas J Gibson, president and CEO of AISI, said that he hopes Froman’s confirmation will help get the administration more focused on the major trade issues facing America.
Gibson said, “AISI works closely with the Office of the USTR and looks forward to continuing our open and frank dialogue to address the critical trade issues facing the steel industry. Michael Froman has been a responsive partner in ensuring the interests of the manufacturing sector are brought to the table and will make an excellent ambassador for the United States.”
He added, “We are encouraged and hopeful that he will continue to recognize the adverse impact that foreign-trade–distorting practices are having on the steel industry. We have urged USTR to address currency manipulation by a number of foreign countries in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, as well as the role of state-owned enterprises, foreign government subsidies for manufacturing, and other unfair trade practices. We will continue to press the case for the steel industry in our on-going relationship with the USTR.”