FPSO conversion contracts

Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd has secured contracts for FPSO conversion and shipbuilding projects totaling USD 105.7 million. Keppel Shipyard Pte Ltd won contracts for two FPSO conversions. One is from SBM Holdings Inc. SA and the other is from Emas Offshore Construction and Production Pte Ltd. The work scope for the SBM conversion includes updating accommodations, fabricating and installing an internal turret mooring system, piperacks, modules supports, helideck, and shipside sponson tanks. Keppel also will install the power generation system and topside process modules. The conversion of the 268,865dwt VLCC is expected to be completed in 3Q 2008. The vessel will be able to produce up to 100,000b/d of oil, with storage capacity of about 1.6MMbbl. The FPSO will be leased by a SBM/MISC JV to the BC-10 Consortium operated by Shell. The vessel will be used to develop the BC-10 field in the Campos basin offshore Brazil. The second contract is for the conversion of a shuttle tanker. The converted Lewek FPSO 1 will be deployed in the Gulf of Thailand. Keppel Shipyard will carry out the overall project management and completion of the FPSO, including fabricating and installing the flare tower, and installing and integrating the topside modules. Sister yard, Subic Shipyard and Engineering Inc. will undertake repair and refurbishment work and part of the conversion, including bow modification for a mooring system, as well as fabrication and installation of the helideck, pipe racks, and module supports. The vessel is expected to be completed in mid 2008.
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