FIA holds annual Lobby Day

On June 14, 2011, the Forging Industry Association (FIA) held its Annual Lobby Day, which enables industry executives to visit congressmen and senators in their Washington D.C. offices to explain the important role the Forging Industry plays in United States defense applications and jobs.
Over 20 FIA members participated in the Annual Lobby Day. One of the main issues on the discussion agenda was the need for developing a US manufacturing strategy that includes energy and climate change policies that do not harm US manufacturers who compete globally. The Forging Industry has 500 operations in 38 states, (54 in Pennsylvania) that employ 35,000.
The FIA contingent also talked to House and Senate members about China currency manipulation, illegal subsidies and fair trade issues. Jack Simmons, Manager of Marketing and Product Development for Electralloy, joined the Pennsylvania delegation which included Tim Hunter (McInnes Rolled Rings), Kevin Shaw (Lenape Forged Products). and George Currie (Erie Press Systems).
The delegation visited the offices of Senator Bob Casey, Senator Pat Toomey, Representative Jason Altmire, Representative Mike Kelly and Representative Glenn Thompson. Other FIA teams met in the Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and California Congressional offices as well as in Speaker Boehner’s office.

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