The ExOne Company unveiled the X1 Powder Grip, an ergonomically friendly 2-liter powder container that’s part of an innovative powder management system for the all-new InnoventPro™ metal 3D printer.
The InnoventPro 3L is the world’s most advanced entry-level model for metal binder jetting — designed to take the easy-to-use features of the popular Innovent+ with patented Triple ACT advanced compaction technology and offer them with a bigger build area and the best speed and cutting-edge technology features of ExOne’s production-ready printers, such as the X1 25Pro® and X1 160Pro™.
The X1 Powder Grip is part of a comprehensive new powder management system for the InnoventPro. To load metal powder into the new machine, a user positions two easy-to-use X1 Powder Grip containers into a powder hopper at the rear of the machine with an easy quarter-turn. After the powder release valve is opened, a conveyance system lifts the powder hopper from a loading position into the build area for recoating and printing.
The X1 Powder Grip is also designed to be seamlessly used for powder reclamation and reuse with an all-new depowdering station that pairs with the InnoventPro.