Eni announces that the Indonesian authorities have approved the Plan of Development (POD) of the Geng North (North Ganal PSC) and Gehem (Rapak PSC) fields. The integrated development of the two fields will create a new production hub, called Northern Hub, in the Kutei Basin. The Indonesian authorities have also approved the POD for Gendalo & Gandang fields (Ganal PSC). Additionally, Eni has been awarded by the Indonesian authorities a 20-year extension of the IDD licences named Ganal and Rapak.
Eni is therefore set to establish a significant gas and condensates production of approximately 2 bcf/d of gas and 80,000 bopd of condensates in the East Kalimantan region, both for domestic and international market, leveraging synergies with existing facilities in the area, such as the Bontang LNG Plant and the Jangkrik Floating Production Unit (FPU).
The Northern Hub POD envisages the development of the 5 TCF gas and 400 million barrels of condensates of the Geng North discovery announced by Eni in October 2023, along with the 1.6 TCF of the nearby Gehem discovery via subsea wells, flowlines, and a new built FPSO with a handling capacity of about 1 BCFD gas and 80,000 barrels of condensates per day and a storage capacity of 1 Million barrels. Gas will be treated onboard the FPSO and then piped to the onshore receiving facilities at Santan Terminal and to the East Kalimantan pipeline network; it will be partly liquefied at the Bontang LNG facility and partly piped for the domestic market.