Enel Green Power granted 344MW wind, PV capacity

Enel Green Power has been awarded the right to sign 20-year energy supply contracts in Brazil for a total of 344MW of wind and photovoltaic (PV) capacity following the ‘Leilão de Reserva’ public tender.

Specifically, with the Ituverava project, the company was awarded 254MW of photovoltaic capacity, equivalent to 24% of the total projects awarded within the framework of the first public tender dedicated to solar energy at national level. 

Photo courtesy of Enel Green Power

Enel Green Power was awarded a further 90MW in wind capacity with the Delfina project. The plant would have a load factor exceeding 50%. Both the projects would be constructed in the north-eastern part of the country, in the state of Bahia.

The two plants will require a total investment of approximately USD 600M to build: around USD 400M for the photovoltaic project and around USD 200M for the wind project. Once up and running, the two plants will be able to generate up to some 900GWh per year of sustainable energy. The 20-year supply contracts awarded to Enel Green Power envisage the sale of specified volumes of energy generated by the two plants to the Brazilian Chamber of Commercialization of Electric Energy (CCEE – Camara de Comercializaçao da Energia Eletrica).

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