Eco-friendly metalworking oil

Shell Metalworking Europe has developed an environmentally friendly metalworking oil suitable for the machining of yellow metals, steel, aluminium and stainless steel. Shell Macron 2617 M-13 contains no sulphur or aromatics, and is said to deliver the same performance as leading traditional EP lubricants. The oil was developed because conventional lubricity and EP additives in metalworking oils can cause staining to finished yellow metal work piece surfaces. The oil will be of benefit to metalworking applications in the nuclear industry, and machining parts for medical instruments, where sulphur and aromatics are prohibited and to applications processing yellow metals and production lines where sulphur causes problems.. The key benefits of this oil is that it is free of labellingand has a high equality of hydrocarbon molecules, which reduces mist levels in the surrounding operating environment and gives a high flash point. Comments Emmanuel Trivin at Shell Metalworking Europe: “This product was developed to ensure the production of stainless finished products. This was achieved by replacing staining additives such as sulphur and chlorine with less aggressive additives such as synthetic esters and special phosphorus compounds.â€?

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