Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has prepared a resolution for the administration imposing a prohibitive duty on the import of nickel containing stainless steel. The resolution could go into effect before the end of the year. The Economics Ministry’s resolution would impose a EUR 840 PMT duty on SS containing 2.5% or more nickel imported from Europe for three years. The Economic Ministry has been examining the question for a year, after receiving an enquiry from the Chelyabinsk Metals Combine, a Mechel company and supported by the Hammer and Sickle and Red October plants, which produce almost 80% of the stainless steel in Russia. The enquiry indicated that European producers were selling nickel containing SS in the EU for USD 1657 per metric ton, but for USD 708 per ton in Russia. As a result the import of SS from Europe rose by 52.2% in 2003 and 54.1% in the first half of 2004.