Dragon Steel starts 2nd Siemens-supplied sinter pl

Dragon Steel Corporation recently commenced production operations at the new Sinter Plant No. 2. This 3.8Mt/year sintering facility, which was supplied by Siemens Metals Technologies together with its consortium partner, CTCI Corporation, was built in the Taichung harbour area as part of a major campaign by Taiwan’s largest steel producer to expand into the flat-steel market sector. A wide range of innovative technologies and equipment features are installed as the basis for optimized sintering operations — a low energy consumption and minimized environmental emissions.

The sintering machine, the centrepiece of Sinter Plant No. 2, has an area of 387 m2, (4.5m x 86m) to enable a daily sinter output of more than 11,600t/day or some 3.8Mt of sinter per year. The plant is equipped with the same technologies and systems that were installed in Sinter Plant No. 1.

Dragon Steel Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the China Steel Corporation Group, is expanding its steel output by 5.2Mt of flat-steel products by 2013. For this huge undertaking, Siemens supplied and started up two sinter plants capable of producing more than 6Mt of sinter per year; the first of two 12 m-diameter blast furnaces, each with a hot metal output of 2.5Mt/year; and three two-strand slab casters with a total production capacity of more than 5Mt of high-quality slabs. The second blast furnace was started up in March 2013.

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