DOE selects 17 projects to receive USD39 M funding

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has selected 17 projects to receive approximately USD39 M in federal funding for cost-shared research and development under funding opportunity announcement Improving Efficiency, Reliability, and Flexibility of Existing Coal-Based Power Plants.

DOE selected these projects as part of its Transformative Power Generation Program and Crosscutting Research Program. The projects will develop, in the near term, advanced technologies that improve the overall performance, reliability, and flexibility of the Nation’s existing coal-fired power fleet. This research will support DOE’s goal to improve the average modeled efficiency (i.e., heat rate) of a typical plant in the existing fleet by 5% from the 2017 baseline of 31% by the end of Fiscal Year 2020.

The projects fall under three areas of interest as follows:

Area of Interest 1: Sensors, Diagnostics, and Controls to Improve Prediction, Performance, and Reliability.
Area of Interest 2: Power Plant Component Improvement.
Area of Interest 3: Data Analytics Driven Controls.

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