The redundant Temposonics® position sensor GT2/GT3 has recently been DNV-GL certified. The new certificate confirms the sensor’s high quality and reliability. The magnetostrictive sensor measures critical variables by means of two or three independent, functionally identical measurement systems, which are housed in one casing. The redundancy assures maximum safety in applications where a failure would have disastrous effects on safety and cost. Each measurement system works independently. The redundant G-Series sensor is comprised of a basic sensor element, evaluation electronics with separate output signals, and supply voltage.
The sensor elements are housed in a pressure-resistant stainless steel pipe for direct stroke measurement in hydraulic cylinders. The redundant design simultaneously reduces the probability of failure and downtime costs while significantly increasing safety. The sensor, which has a stroke length between 50 – 2900 mm, delivers high performance operation with a 0.02 % linearity (fullscale) and a repeatability of 0.001 mm. The analog output (current or voltage) provides direct data transfers to the controller.