DNV awards ICT an AiP for its new containment system

DNV has awarded IC Technology (ICT) an approval in principle (AiP) for its new liquid hydrogen membrane type containment system.

ICT’s new containment system consists of two stainless steel membranes and two vacuum insulation layers, separated by the secondary barrier. The primary barrier is based on a patented membrane technology that defines a closed volume, enabling active cooling of cargo by helium circulation. The vacuum insulation arrangement provides efficient thermal insulation of the tank and enables detection and handling of hydrogen leakage from the tank, as well as any air leakage through the supporting structure and into the secondary insulation space.

The system arrangement, safety systems, and structural function of the insulation panels and the membranes have been evaluated for compliance with the IMO Interim Recommendation for Carriage of Liquefied Hydrogen in Bulk, the safety targets of the IGC Code, and the DNV Rules for the Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.7.

An AiP issued by DNV is an independent assessment of a concept according to an agreed requirement framework within DNV Rules, notations and regulations for which DNV is authorized, confirming that a design is feasible and that no major obstacles would prevent the concept from being realized.

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