Manoir Industries has recently delivered a new Francis turbine water wheel to be used in the la Bourne hydroelectric station operated by EDF. Adjoining the dam, the La Bourne hydropower plant has 2 turbines of 6MW. The 255m water head allows the rotation of the Francis wheel at a speed of up 1000 rounds per minute, and a water flow of 2,61m3/second.

The Francis turbine water wheel – molded martensitic stainless steel – is manufactured in the Manoir Industries’foundry in Pîtres, located in Normandy. This stainless steel has a very good corrosion resistance combined with high mechanical strength, toughness and resistance to fatigue. This 650kg wheel with a 980mm nominal diameter has 13 blades. The mold assembling is complex to match the wheel hydraulic profile to strictly ensure the high performance of the hydroelectric plant.