By James Chater
One year after disaster struck in the Gulf of Mexico, deepwater oil and gas companies are returning to the region. Because of sheer pressure of demand, operators and governments have not been deterred from venturing once again into deepwater. The ban on drilling in the GoM has been lifted and permits granted to several companies – BP being one of them.

However, it is not exactly business as usual. The regulatory regime has become stricter, which will no doubt deter smaller outfits such as wildcatters. Also, operators are being forced to take more responsibility for ensuring that intervention in the event of any blow-out is quicker and better co-ordinated than was the case with Macondo. That is why two consortiums have been formed to provide containment and clean-up services in the event of an accident.
In the June issue of Stainless Steel World we explore the aftermath of the Macondo disaster, what measures are being taken to prevent or contain any future accidents, what projects are currently under way, and what the implications are for stainless steel producers.
Not a subscriber? Contact David Sear for a PDF of James’ report (will be sent in June)