Russia’s OJSC Metallurgical Plant, at Serov, has chosen Danieli Centro Met to rebuild its melt shop. The contract calls for a new 80-metric ton EAF and a 75-metric ton, twin-tank VD/VOD station. These will be linked with the 8-metric ton ladle furnace that started up last June.
The new melt shop will be designed to produce more than 700,000 metric tons/year of various specialty steels, including low- and medium-carbon, low- and medium-alloy, spring, and bearing steels. Stainless steel will be added to the mix in the future. The new Danarc EAF will have HiREG “fast respons” electrode-regulation system; an automatic sampling device; and Module oxy-carbon jets for post combustion. Tap-to-tap times will run 47 minutes. The twin-tank vacuum degasser will feature a combination steam ejector/dewatering pump, oxygen lance, two wire-feeding machines, and a spectrometer gas analyser for dynamic process control. Danieli’s contract covers all auxiliary equipment, such as water treatment, fume treatment, and compressed air plants, as well as the material-handling system. Start-up is scheduled for spring 2005.