Dahej petrochemical plant expansion

Reliance Industries Limited plans to expand the Dahej petrochemicals plant complex in Gandhar, Gujarat. The total project value of the expansion is estimated to be USD 1.8 billion over several years. Several new units, including a purified terephthalic acid (PTA) unit and, later on, a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) unit, a captive power plant (CPT), and an effluent treatment plant (ETP) are to be added. The PTA unit addition will be the first project in this expansion plan. The proposed capacity of the new PTA unit is 1.1 million tns/yr. The initial planning of the project has been completed, and preliminary engineering has begun for the project by AKER Solutions India. Contract management for all the projects will be handled by Reliance Projects. The invitation to tender bids is planned to open in April 2011 and construction is scheduled to begin in September 2011, with a May 2014 completion date anticipated.

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