Corr MD data management tool

Corr MD, a data management and integration tool, is being released by CC Technologies (now DNV CCT), a DNV company, in cooperation with DCG Inc. Corr MD is an integrated data management tool that maintains vital information regarding the integrity of both onshore and offshore pipeline systems. It provides operators with the information needed to analyze data and prevent corrosion problems. With the release of Corr MD, DNV CCT and DCG are taking the first step towards achieving a complete set of integrated decision tools needed by the industry to manage pipeline integrity threats. Operators need to know what information to collect in order to ensure that corrosion activities, such as monitoring and mitigation, are managed properly. Corr MD provides both guidance for collecting the data and directions for proper usage and data management. Corr MD manages information from a multitude of corrosion monitoring and test results, such as gas analysis, coupon monitoring, liquid composition, pig residues, inhibitor and biocide use, operational conditions, etc. Corr MD software can be customized based on client input to ensure that the exact needs are met. The tool includes interactive, logic-driven data entry forms and can be used both as a stand-alone application and with network-wide usage, providing centralized data management with multi-user access. User-defined reporting parameters, data assessment, record retention and automated task scheduling support the requirements and assist in compliance with 49 CFR 192 and 49 CFR 195 in the US and CSA Z662 in Canada. The tool also offers tiered security levels and image-storing capacity and is compliant with Pipeline open data standard, Orbit+Pipeline and other industry-recognized risk and integrity management systems.
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