Continental – offers entry-level model for belt-drive s

Today, many bicycle manufacturers prefer maintenance-free, easy-to-handle timing belt for their bikes instead of a chain. What was previously the feature of premium bikes will be available for entry-level models, too. At Eurobike 2015, Continental will launch a new eco- version to complement its belt-drive system Conti Drive System (CDS) premium. At Eurobike, some 30 manufacturers will be exhibiting bicycles equipped with the Conti Drive System.

Photo courtesy of ContiTech

For the belt sprockets of the CDS eco version, Continental is using a newly developed, synthetic material combination of high-quality plastic, which makes it lighter and more durable. The front belt sprocket is made entirely of high-quality plastic, the smaller rear belt sprocket uses a special patented material combination of plastic and stainless steel that reduces abrasion.

“CDS eco is therefore positioning itself alongside the CDS premium as a cheaper entry-level variant so that it can offer bike concepts featuring a belt instead of a chain in the budget segment, too,” says Regina Arning, who is in charge of drive systems for bicycles, e-bikes, and pedelecs at Continental’s division ContiTech.

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