The VDMA Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Association will organize the third Compressor Users International Forum from the 27 to the 28 September 2012 in the Congress Centre of Düsseldorf, Germany. For the first time, the vacuum technology will be integrated in the forum. In addition to user associations, the Compressor Users International Forum 2012 will be supported by the European Compressor Sector committee PNEUROP and its national member associations. The forum will feature lecture and discussion sections presenting technical papers, training seminars and an accompanying technical exhibition. Next year it will take place along with the tenth Pump Users International Forum, and the eighth EFRC (European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors) Conference. The Forum will offer a brilliant platform for Compressors, Vacuum Technology and Compressed Air Technology to: • Discuss solutions to unsolved problems of the users of compressors, vacuum pumps and compressed air systems, • Demonstrate cost efficient ideas in the operation of compressors and compressed air and gas systems, • Improve the communication between the user and the manufacturer on a neutral basis. • Identify future trends and requirements. Experts and decision makers dealing with the application of compressors, vacuum technology and compressed air systems, manufacturing, engineering and science are requested to submit proposals for technical papers. The Call for Papers is now available and the closing date is 10 December 2011.