Coflexip Stena affiliate expands in France

Coflexip Stena Offshore has announced that Genesis, one of its UK affiliates, is expanding to Paris, France. Genesis Oil & Gas Consultants is an engineering consulting company providing services to oil and gas companies. Created in 1988 in London, Genesis joined CSO when the group acquired Aker Maritime’s Deepwater Division in January 2001. Genesis has built up unique and long-lasting relationships with most of the world’s major oil companies. The company has been involved in their projects on a world-wide basis and entrusted with the main mission to help oil companies identify and realise their best development projects with a comprehensive understanding of the associated business risks. Within the new CSO Group management structure Genesis leads the Conceptual Engineering Division while continuing to operate as a separate and independent company managed by Dave Rayburn, one of its founders. It also works in close relationships with the other CSO Group engineering companies, i.e. CSO Aker Engineering Inc., R.J. Brown Deepwater Inc. and the engineering units included in the CSO Group contracting entities. Genesis France will offer the same range of engineering consultancy services to the French oil and gas industry as Genesis UK does in London and Aberdeen with, in addition, the ability to closely participate in its French clients’ development projects at the very front-end stages. Genesis, which currently employs 230 persons, already operates in London, Aberdeen and Perth (Australia).

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