Clough wins Thai contract

Clough Ltd and Unithai Engineering Ltd have won a USD 28 million contract to design and build wellhead platforms and subsea pipelines for Unocal Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand. Clough-Unithai Engineering is the 33% Clough-owned joint venture company set up to execute the Unocal Thailand work. In October 2000, Clough was awarded its first tranche of three contracts worth ASD 68 million under an evergreen contract for the joint venture to undertake all Unocal Thailand offshore gas field wellhead and pipeline development work in the Gulf of Thailand. The second and third tranche of contracts were worth ASD 130 million. Clough said the scope of the new works for Unocal Thailand, known as Phase 25, includes the procurement, construction and installation of a total of three generic design wellhead platforms and associated intra-field subsea pipelines.

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