The feasibility study and environmental impact assessment have been approved for a China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) oil refinery project with a capacity of 200,000bpd. CNPC has moved into the final approval stages of the oil refinery project that would be built in the Changshou District of Chongqing City. The project, which is part of a group of projects aimed at stimulating domestic demand, would be built at the Changshou Chemical Industry Park. The project now awaits final approval from the State Council, said Gou Hua, Vice Director of the Administration Department of Changshou Chemical Industry Park Administration Commission. CNPC is also planning to extend the proposed Burma-China Oil Transportation Pipeline from Kunming to Chongqing. The pipeline will be directly extended to the Changshou Chemical Industry Park and further extended to Wuhan in the future. Upon completion of the project, it could provide from 100,000BBL/d to 125,000BBL/d of product oil for Chongqing every year, and promote the establishment of product oil distribution centers along the “golden waterway” of the Changjiang River in central China.