Chemical injection for oil & gas sector

YZ Systems, a division of Milton Roy, has introduced the Chemjex™ brand of chemical injection systems for the oil and gas industry. The custom engineered Chemjex system can be configured to meet most of the major chemical duties for injecting into a process or pipeline – for example it can handle corrosion inhibitors, methanol, biocides, phosphates or carbon dioxide scavengers. The Chemjex system utilises pneumatically actuated 316 stainless steel WilRoy™ diaphragm pumps, supplied by YZ Systems’ sister company, Williams Milton Roy. The pumps can inject at 2.25gph at 3000psi of discharge pressure and feature wear resistant ceramic plungers and a Gylon™ diaphragm. The skid-mounted Chemjex solution provides proportional-to-flow injection capabilities and flow monitoring via a SCADA communication link. Remote start-up is also possible thanks to the 4-20ma input/output flow signal.

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