CHEM SHOW marks 50th anniversary

Nearly a century of progress and achievement in the chemical process industries will take centre stage when the biennial CPI Exposition – better known as the CHEM SHOW – marks its 50th edition at its next gathering in 2003. The CHEM SHOW was first held in 1915, and the landmark 2003 SHOW is scheduled for 18–20 November at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City. According to International Exposition Company (IEC), organisers of the CHEM SHOW, a number of special events, exhibits, promotions and conference programming are being planned for 2003 to celebrate industry highlights from the past century. Many of these accomplishments were first introduced to the industry during past editions of the CHEM SHOW. For more information contact International Exposition Company at +1 203 332 9232, fax +1 203 221 9260, e-mail

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