Centravis sums up 2009

Centravis Holding has summed up the results of 2009, and according to the company’s management reporting annual turnover made up USD 137 million, that is USD 113 million less than in 2008. The annual profit of holding without tax and interest payment (EBITDA) made up USD 7,786,000. Reduction of holding annual turnover was resulted by the following factors: decrease of world demand for seamless stainless pipes, as well as commissioning and setting up of new equipment at an existing industrial site of the holding, which complicated the stable operation of production facilities during the year. Looking back, in 2007, holding Centravis started a large-scale investment program with a total investment of USD 130 million. This is one of the largest investment projects in Ukraine. As part of this program in 2009 were installed two cold pilger mills KPW-25 cold shop and new extrusion press line 4400tn force manufactured by SMS Meer in hot shop of CJSC “Centravis Production Ukraine”. Modernization of production enabled the holding to extend products assortment and enter the new markets. “CJSC Centravis Production Ukraine”(Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, industrial site of Centravis holding) finished 2009 with the following financial results: Gross profit 117,074 ths. That is 111,323 thousand UAH less than in 2008, operating profit of the company was 13,664 thousand grn. (for the same period in 2008, 178,460 ths.).
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