Brazil-based CIA de Cimento Itambè has contracted Polysius to build a new 3000tpd cement clinker production line at the Balsa Nova plant, near the city of Curitiba in southern Brazil. One important criterion for this plant is the greatest possible flexibility for the use of alternative fuels. The scope of supply includes a raw material grinding system with Quadropol® roller mill and a tangential blending silo. The kiln system consists of a Dopol® ’90 preheater with Prepol®-CC-MSC precalciner, the Polro® rotary kiln with Polflame®-VN clinkering zone burner and a Polytrack® clinker cooler. The fuel processing section comprises a Petcoke grinding system with air-swept ball mill and Sepol® separator. Production startup of the plant is due to take place at the end of 2011.