Capstone secures C200 microturbine order in India

Capstone Turbine Corporation, the clean technology manufacturer of microturbine energy systems, announced that it has secured its first C200 Signature Series microturbine order headed for India.

The order secured by Brio Energy Pvt Ltd, Capstone’s exclusive distributor in India, marks the first C200 Signature Series microturbine order for the country’s growing oil and gas operations. The unit is scheduled to be commissioned in July and will be installed in Assam. The flare gas-fueled C200S microturbine will generate on-site power for the remote oilfield operation while at the same time reducing the flaring of associated gas which negatively impacts the environment.

Darren Jamison, President and Chief Executive Officer of Capstone, said, “Capstone built its near-term profitability plan around four core business initiatives and key strategic pillars: Improve Cash Flows; Double-Digit Revenue Growth; Improve Diversification and Increase Operating Expense Absorption.â€?

“India is a newly developing market for Capstone and has the potential to become a significant part of our double-digit revenue growth plan and would contribute to our revenue diversification initiative. This initiative yielded positive results in fiscal 2019, where we sold to 63 different distributors in 41 different countries,â€? added Mr. Jamison.

Due to the remote nature of some of these locations, such as the one in Assam, production is sometimes not practical. Operators not only have to spend immense capital on exploration, but the operators must also find a way to run power or deliver diesel fuel daily. Capstone turbines offer the operator the ability to use available wellhead gas as free fuel for low emission, high-reliability onsite power generation.

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