Canada: LNG project

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. has announced that it has signed agreements for nominated capacity on a planned expansion of the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (M&NP) system to deliver volumes into Canadian and US markets from Anadarko’s Bear Head liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal, which will be constructed in Nova Scotia. M&NP’s proposed expansion would allow its system to accommodate Anadarko’s initial Bear Head send-out capacity of 750 million cubic feet per day to markets in eastern Canada and the US NE. Anadarko acquired the Bear Head terminal project in August 2004. Construction planning, site clearing and leveling, and construction of access roads for the Bear Head terminal began in late 2004 to prepare the site for major construction in 2005. In April, Anadarko entered into an agreement with Horton CBI Ltd for engineering services and procurement of certain materials necessary for the construction of two 180,000-cubic-meter LNG storage tanks. Bidders also have been short-listed to participate in the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the terminal, which is expected to be awarded in late 2005. First deliveries through the Bear Head terminal are targeted for late 2008.

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