BUTTING takes over Sosta

BUTTING Group has taken over the operation of Sosta GmbH & Co. KG in Könnern near Halle. The new company has been entered in the Commercial Register as Sosta stainless pipes GmbH.

With the purchase and transfer agreement of 5 October 2017, Sosta stainless pipes GmbH acquired all the material and immaterial assets of Sosta GmbH & Co. KG for business and production operations on the Könnern site. Sosta stainless pipes GmbH is now entered in the Commercial Register of the Stendal District Court . The entry in the Commercial Register explicitly states that liabilities of the seller have not been acquired or transferred and these have also not been taken over by Sosta stainless pipes GmbH. The same applies to Sosta B.V. in the Netherlands.

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