BUTTING has received an order for 34 heat resistant furnace rollers from ThyssenKrupp (TK) VDM. Since 1994 the worldwide renowned supplier for material techniques’ solutions has successively provided their heat treatment facilities entirely with the furnace roller – the BUTTING HeRo® (short for: heat resisting roller). The BUTTING HeRo® offers low trend to oxidation of the nickel alloy produced by TK VDM, high abrasion resistance, as well as reusability by reconditioning. Because of this high potential for success of the BUTTING HeRo, ThyssenKrupp VDM was recently prompted to equip the second continuous roller furnace in Siegen (Germany), also with transport rollers from Knesebeck (Germany). The current refitting order comprises rollers in dimensions of 323.9 x 25.0mm (L = 4,545 mm), the roller body being of TK VDM material grade nicrofer 6025 HAT, Werkstoff-No. 2.4633, and the cones of Werkstoff-No. 1.4876. The core of the BUTTING HeRo®, the roller body, is the longitudinally welded BUTTING pipe with its optimum shape and position tolerances. The furnace roller will be produced ready for installation by means of extensive value-added processing in BUTTING’s own versatile production centre. With the construction of the BUTTING HeRo®, further renowned steel producers in Europe and Asia have also become interested in this innovation. In December of last year, therefore, BUTTING delivered furnace rollers for a blank annealing facility at Ugine & ALZ in Belgium.