Butting receives award for innovation

The Lüneburg-Wolfsburg and Stade Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) have established an award for the recognition of entrepreneurial personalities as examples for innovation and agents of change. The status of a CCI Innovation Ambassador is awarded to people who, as innovators and lateral thinkers, implement innovative strategies at their companies. One such person is Hermann Butting, sole shareholder of the BUTTING Group GmbH & Co. KG. As part of the award, Hermann Butting received a certificate from the Lüneburg-Wolfsburg and Stade CCIs, which made clear the significant characteristics of an innovation ambassador.

Michael Petz, Head of Innovation Training at the Lüneburg-Wolfsburg and Stade CCIs, is an enthusiast for BUTTING’s innovative power.

Another testimony to the innovative power of the family business is a 2015 study on behalf of the magazine Wirtschaftswoche in which BUTTING is rated as one of the 50 most innovative small and medium-sized companies in Germany.

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