BUMAX DX 129 is a new duplex steel

BUMAX AB has introduced many new and unique products to the market during the last years. The most recent addition is BUMAX® DX 129 which is a duplex stainless steel product (1.4462 UNS S32205) with fantastic strength combined with very good corrosion resistance.

BUMAX® DX 129 offers high strength, tensile strength min. 1200 MPa, yield strength min 1080 MPa, excellent corrosion resistance in most environments with PRE > 34, and very good fatigue properties compared to A4 and carbon steel 12.9.

BUMAX® DX 129 is ideal for applications where high strength, good ductility and good corrosion resistance is required. It has been used, in many casesto replace coated 12.9 carbon steel bolts.

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