Bruker launches LIBS for light element scrap sorting

Bruker Corporation launches the new EOS 500 hand-held Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (HH-LIBS) for high-speed analysis of Grade ID and chemistry in light element alloys.

The EOS 500 uses a proprietary 1064 nm laser for low background laser ablation atomic emission spectroscopy. Traditional LIBS systems utilize a high energy, low frequency laser design for plasma generation, resulting in high background noise, especially in the lower end of spectrum. Bruker’s 1064 nm laser generates strong atomic emission signals without creating high background emissions, hence eliminating the need for a complicated gating system. Bruker’s EOS 500 can easily analyse challenging elements, such as Si and Mg, at <0.1% concentration levels within seconds.

A multi-detector design allows the EOS 500 to cover an extended wavelength range from 170 nm to 720 nm, utilize alternative wavelengths and achieve better accuracy by avoiding spectrum overlap.

HH-LIBS is well suited for measuring the low atomic number elements and alkaline-earth metals. HH-XRF is well suited to measuring high atomic number elements. This makes HH-LIBS the preferable technique for light alloys, while HH-XRF is the superior technique for measuring alloys high temperature alloys. Customers can select the optimal hand-held measurement tool for each application.

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