Borealis awards EPCM contract to Maire Tecnimont Group

Borealis, a provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, has awarded Tecnimont, main contractor of Maire Tecnimont – a E&C international group with the Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM) and Commissioning services contract for a new propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant, including the requisite Utilities and Interconnections. The new facility, located at an existing Borealis production site in Kallo, Belgium, will have a targeted production capacity of 750,000 metric tonnes per year, making it one of the largest and most efficient in the world. With a total contract value of approximately €90M, the Kallo PDH project is on a reimbursable basis.

PDH is a vital process step in the production of propylene from propane. Propylene is one of the most important building blocks for the entire chemical industry and is the raw material used to produce polypropylene (PP). PP is, in turn, one of the most widely used plastics. It forms the base of countless industrial applications used in numerous sectors, from automotive to textiles, food packaging, healthcare, energy, and many others.

The new Kallo PDH plant is being built on an existing Borealis site and was originally selected on the basis of its excellent logistical position and experience in propylene production, but also to be able to capitalize on synergistic effects with the existing PDH unit. The new plant will employ Honeywell UOP’s Oleflex™ technology, a widely used, reliable and sustainable choice for on-purpose propylene production. The new plant is scheduled to start up in mid-2022.

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