Boiler plant in Poland

Foster Wheeler Ltd. announced that it has signed a contract with Poland’s Poludniowy Koncern Energetyczny (PKE) to supply a boiler island to a 460MWe power plant at Lagisza in southern Poland. The contract is valued at approximately USD 145.8 million. The new unit will be built alongside PKE’s existing power station at Lagisza Upper Silesia. The plants incorporate the latest once-through unit (OTU) technology and offer high levels of efficiency, together with very low emissions. Foster Wheeler Energia Polska and Foster Wheeler Energia Oy will execute the Lagisza contract jointly, in co-operation with other Foster Wheeler companies and local manufacturers and subcontractors. Pre-engineering work is expected to start at the end of February. Given a notice to proceed in the summer, plant start-up is scheduled for the end of 2005.

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