Mr Abdul Hussain Mirza minister of oil and gas affairs of Bahrain has launched the 2009-2011 program for drilling in the Khuff wells at the Bahrain Gas Field. The program is planned to conduct drilling works for eight Khuff wells and work over operations on five existing Khuff wells. The total project cost is USD 200 million, of which USD 77 million are for drilling the eight wells, USD 66.2 million for preparing the drilling sites and installing eight gas dehydration units and piping, and USD 12 million for formation evaluation, completion, stimulation and commissioning of the wells. An additional USD 45 million will be allocated to enhance the gas transmission system in the Bahrain Field. The eight wells will be drilled to a depth ranging from 12,000ft to 12,500ft into the Khuff and pre-Khuff reservoirs to increase the field’s gas production of Khuff gas by an additional 500 million standard cu/ft.