Australia: bio-diesel plants

Lurgi AG, a subsidiary of GEA Group, has secured three contracts for the construction of bio-diesel plants in Australia, the USA and Spain. The aggregate contract value amounts to EUR 70 million. The two plants in Australia and the US will be among the largest bio-diesel facilities worldwide. With the Lurgi-developed Multipurpose Technology that has been tried and tested on a commercial scale, starting in 2006, 360 tons of bio-diesel will be produced per day from vegetable oils like palm and soybean oil in those countries. The plant in Spain, in which bio-diesel is to be made from rapeseed, soybean and palm oil, is designed for an output of 144 tons per day. The respective contracts were awarded by Natural Fuel Darwin Private Ltd (Australia), Cargill Inc. (USA) and Tecnicas Reunidas (Spain).

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