Atlas sodium pressure system

Syrris, a chemistry automation product innovator, has introduced the Atlas sodium pressure system. This modular pressure reactor is available in a range of volumes up to 450ml, offering heating and/or cooling, overhead or magnetic stirring, pressure sensing, pressure control and mass flow monitoring or control. It is designed for applications such as hydrogenations or carbonylations where elevated pressures and temperatures are required. The system has the ability to operate up to 250C and 200bar (higher temperatures and pressures available on request). Furthermore, the system can be supplied with 160, 300 and 450ml pressure vessels in a range of materials. The basic system allows automatic temperature and stirrer control as well as pressure sensing with data logging. Depending on the user’s preference, pressure can be controlled manually or automatically using the pressure control module and advanced PC software. Alternatively it is possible to control mass flow into the reactor. All modes of operation are available with the Atlas gas selection module, allowing automatic or manual selection of up to three gases and a mass flowmeter to monitor off-gases.
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