Ashtead launches subsea technology training academy

Ashtead Technology has invested GBP 500,000 in its subsea technology training academy launched in Aberdeen in the subsea centre of excellence at Westhill. This academy will meet the global demand for improved competency in configuration, operation and maintenance of increasingly sophisticated equipment required in complex subsea oil and gas projects. Ashtead Technology Academy has already delivered several courses to many leading subsea companies, including a three-day acoustics course and a one-day introduction to offshore survey equipment course.

Tim Sheehan, commercial director of Ashtead Technology, said: “As the subsea industry continues to grow and leading-edge technology evolves to deliver systems to meet more complex challenges in deeper waters, subsea survey, construction and maintenance companies must have the skills and competency to ensure these systems are properly configured, operated and maintained.â€? Ashtead Technology’s training facilities will cover the complex functioning of offshore survey equipment, acoustic positioning and motion sensing systems, hydrographic and geophysical survey equipment, cable and pipe detection and tracking systems and ROV sensors and multiplexors.

Photo courtesy of The BIG Partnership

Neil Gordon, chief executive Subsea UK, said: “This will make a significant contribution to our industry. The UK has long been regarded as the centre of excellence for the subsea sector and people are a key part of that success.â€?

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