Ambica Steel wins manufacturing summit award

Ambica Steels was awarded a Manufacturing Summit Award in the IT Leadership Category at the 13th Edition of the Manufacturing IT Summit. Receiving the award on behalf of Ambica Steels was the company’s IT Manager, Mr. Mayank Pachauri.

Mr. Pachauri, who appeared delighted to receive the Manufacturing Summit Award, said, “Ambica Steels always uses the best practices for managing data with the latest data management trends.â€?

The Manufacturing IT Summit, now in its 13th Edition, was held at the Pullman New Delhi Aerocity and featured over 80 attendees and leading solution providers. The goal of the Manufacturing IT Summit was to bring together IT decision-makers across the manufacturing sector to discuss specific challenges faced by IT personnel in the manufacturing industry. Notable topics of discussion were the trends shaping the IT industry in 2019, recent transformative technologies, and the changing dynamics of the role played by CIO’s.

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