Investments planned at Aker Verdal and Aker Stord
Aker Maritime plans to invest around NOK 300 million in its fabrication yards at Verdal and Stord in the next few years. The initiatives will improve the group’s competitiveness and contribute to a better working environment. About NOK 125 million is earmarked for improvement works which are planned to get under way in the coming year. Close to
a half billion kroner has been spent or is planned to be spent to improve the efficiency of engineering and work processes in the projects, as well as purposeful expertise enhancement and technology development in the group’s subsidiaries. Aker Verdal plans to invest a total of NOK 45 million in various initiatives to streamline production and logistics at the facility.
Investments will also be made in new and efficient equipment for working steel profiles and plates. Work begins this year and is due to be completed by next autumn.
Beyond this Aker Stord is also working on plans to optimise its production line and move more of the assembly work under cover. A new module hall alongside the plate-shop and a new piping and cutting-shop are important elements in these plans. They may also include increased
cranage to make it possible to assemble and outfit large module sections. These additional investments could amount to NOK 170 million. Detailing these plans is now under way.