AGC to expand AGC Pharma Chemicals Europe S.L.U.

AGC has decided to expand the facilities of AGC Pharma Chemicals Europe S.L.U. A new building with a total floor area of 7,500 m2 will be constructed on the company’s site, increasing the current production capacity by 30%. The new facility is scheduled to start operation in H1 of 2024, with an estimated total investment of approximately USD 100M. This expansion will include the introduction of facilities for highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPI), such as cancer therapy drugs. Furthermore, AGC will consider additional capacity expansion in the near future, since the newly constructed building has additional room for further expansion.

Under its management plan AGC plus-2023, the AGC Group has positioned its Life Science business, including its synthetic agrochemical and pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceutical CDMO services, as one of its strategic businesses. The Group aims to expand its Group’s sales of the Life Science business from 44.9 billion yen in 2018 to 135 billion yen in 2022 and 200 billion yen or more in 2025. The AGC Group will work to provide its customers in each region with globally unified, high-quality services, contributing to the well-being of patients and the wider society as a whole.

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